August 2019

Make privacy part of your Open House

Posted on Aug 29, 2019

When you’re having an Open House, it goes without saying that you sacrifice a little privacy for the occasion. So here’s a tip on some of the items you might want to make sure to put away before your potential clients arrive:
• Keys and garage remotes
• Prescription medications
• Private documents and mail
• Passwords that you keep next to your compute...

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Tape-measure jobs sellers can consider

Posted on Aug 26, 2019

Check out the two pictures below, of chairs on one side of a dining room table. 

Which of the two pictures looks best, in terms of how the furniture is spaced?
If you said the first one, that’s an actual photo of where the chairs are always arranged at this table, located in a Vancouver apartment. In other words, your answer would be the norm.
If you s...

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How Hong Kong could impact local market

Posted on Aug 22, 2019

               In June’s issue of News From Nexus our monthly newsletter, we explored how international money can affect Vancouver’s real estate market. 
One point of discussion was the potential impact of the protests in Hong Kong, and how quickly things can change.
Fast forward to next week.
The Real Estate Institute of British Columbia has scheduled a 90-minute di...

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Who buys a ‘messy’ house? Who knows?

Posted on Aug 19, 2019

Your realtor calls. Another realtor has a client who’s interested in the home you have for sale.
The bad news?
The potential buyers want to see it in 15 minutes.
The lunch dishes are still in the sink so you stuff them, along with everything else that doesn’t belong on the counter, into the dishwasher. 
The teenagers just came home from school and d...

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Pre-builds good idea — check with a realtor

Posted on Aug 15, 2019

This is a story based on fact because the figures are estimates. 
We know some people who know some people who bought a condo in Vancouver a couple of years before it was built. 
A down payment of $5,000 was applied to a purchase price of $400,000 for a condo that would sell five or six years later for $800,000.
That’s why people buy “pre-builds.”
Now yo...

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Home buyers value ‘Going Electric'

Posted on Aug 12, 2019

Gone are the days when shopping for — or selling — a home included just seeing if there was a place to park, be it a garage, driveway or owner parking in an apartment building.
Now that equation includes electrical outlets.
This is especially true if you’re looking to live in a condo or apartment that’s part of a complex. Perhaps when the complex wa...

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