February 2024

Buyers galore according to online study

Posted on Feb 25, 2024

While polls and surveys always have to be taken with a grain of salt, one headline jumped out from a poll done in January, entitled: 2024 Canadian Home Buyer report.
This was the line (okay, paragraph) that will stop anybody who reads it: 
“Only 11 per cent of Canadians say they expect to buy a home within the next 12 months. That’s still a colossall...

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Message for home owners thinking about listing

Posted on Feb 15, 2024

Admittedly, it’s early in the governments’ proposals and incentives — both provincially and federally — to improve the shortage of housing everywhere in the country. However, it’s off to a slow start, according to the latest seasonally adjusted statistics from the B.C. Real Estate Association. 
In a just-released report for January, starts were down...

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