Who buys a ‘messy’ house? Who knows?

Your realtor calls. Another realtor has a client who’s interested in the home you have for sale.
The bad news?
The potential buyers want to see it in 15 minutes.
The lunch dishes are still in the sink so you stuff them, along with everything else that doesn’t belong on the counter, into the dishwasher. 
The teenagers just came home from school and did what teenagers often do with their clothes, which is not hang them up. 
You scramble to put the darks and the lights in the washing machine, just to get them out of sight.
Yes, there could be better times to show what you think is currently a messy house. Like anytime!
Don’t fret.
Impulsive “we-have-to-see-it-now” people often make last-minute “we-have-to-buy-it-now” decisions. It wouldn’t be the first time a house sold impulsively, quickly and despite being “messy.”
When somebody’s interested, do what you can to keep them interested, even if the timing is inconvenient.
And for other ways to keep them interested, call Jennifer (604-726-8768) or Dale (604-922-3353).