May 2023

The new world of mortgage amortizations

Posted on May 28, 2023

The lyrics of a once-popular song could be applied to mortgages: “…we all got ‘em…what do we do with ‘em?” 
What to do with a mortgage has become more important than ever since the pandemic, and since the unprecedented increase in interest rates. And what more and more Canadians are doing is getting a mortgage with a longer amortization.
As in more t...

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Vancouver’s West End to get own twin towers

Posted on May 21, 2023

Long reputed to have the most people per square kilometer of any part of Canada, Vancouver’s West End will be increasing its densification with this month’s approval for the building of two high rises.
They are being called the twin towers, although one will be 56 storeys tall and the other 59, and they’ll go up where Barclay Street intersects with...

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RBC projecting real estate market on the way up

Posted on May 14, 2023

Market watchers will be interested in what the Royal Bank of Canada’s chief economists had to say this month — that the Canadian housing market had run its course and it appears “a cyclical bottom has been reached.”
RBC attributed this to increase in both activity and prices despite the fact that inventories remain low pretty much across the country...

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Comprehensive theory of affordable housing in Vancouver

Posted on May 10, 2023

The subject of “affordable housing in big cities” is everywhere now, and it’s a challenge to try and sort through all the theories to address increasing a city’s density and at the same time keeping the cost of “living” there in check.
Housing prices in Vancouver are always in the news because it traditionally is ranked among the “world’s most expen...

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