How Hong Kong could impact local market

               In June’s issue of News From Nexus our monthly newsletter, we explored how international money can affect Vancouver’s real estate market. 
One point of discussion was the potential impact of the protests in Hong Kong, and how quickly things can change.
Fast forward to next week.
The Real Estate Institute of British Columbia has scheduled a 90-minute discussion for its members. 
Immigration lawyer and policy analyst Richard Kurland’s topic is:
“Assuming bad things happen in Hong Kong, what are the scenarios we can expect over a four month period following a ‘triggering event’? How many people could come in…would come in? Planning for a crisis crush.” 
In other words, realtors — and the market — are preparing for what right now is a possibility.
Estimates are more than 300,000 Hong Kong residents have Canadian passports.
Even if only 10 per cent are from Vancouver, that’s 30,000 who “could” decide to move their real-estate investments to Canada.
Watch for more in the next issue of News From Nexus, early in September, or call Jennifer (604-726-8768) or Dale (604-922-3353).