Mary and Alex Baker, Roberts Creek

Dale and Jennifer have proven themselves to be the ideal professionals in the selling and purchasing of our homes.
With 4861 The Dale in West Vancouver, Dale and Jennifer marketed our home in its best possible light, producing stunning brochures and out of district advertising, using both hard copy and electronic methods for highlighting our property. Jennifer provided regular updates and statistics, using the latest technological methods. They found a buyer within less than two weeks and were instrumental in securing a creative agreement that fit our conditions perfectly. Dale went out of his way to research the area of choice for our new property, facilitating the subsequent purchase simultaneously with the sale of our home.

Dale is a person of the highest integrity, intelligence and grace. In personal dealings he is honest, honourable, straightforward and thoughtful. In business, he is persistent, thorough and doggedly hard working. He is not content with providing adequate or even satisfactory service for his client but aims to create the best possible long term result in both financial and lifestyle aspects. Jennifer has assimilated Dale’s qualities of integrity and thoroughness, bringing her technological skill to the partnership.

Dale and Jennifer are committed to providing accurate and current details of not only the residence but the geography, services, history and community issues relevant to the purchase of property. They assisted us in pre-sale conditions, discovering and finding solutions to several hidden issues relating to the chosen property. They consider the sale and purchase of property a family affair and as such take into consideration all aspects of the family’s needs. They remain accessible to any after sale issues and have remained available as mentors and friends ever since.

We continue to be thrilled with the generosity, accessibility and long term commitment of the Dale and Jennifer Clark Nexus team. We highly recommend them.

Get In Touch

Dale Clark

Phone: 604-720-3353


Office Info

Nexus Realty Corp

West Vancouver,  BC 

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