Say that you’ve bought or sold houses half a dozen times in your life, but none of them in the last half-dozen years…or even the last half dozen months. Say that you’re thinking of selling the family home and buying something that better suits your current lifestyle. Be prepared to be surprised.
With the coronavirus came a different way of doing business in real estate. It is, in short, a whole new ball game.
It starts with marketing, as in “virtual” marketing.
In today’s climate, if it’s your house:
You won’t likely have as much physical traffic going through it, because much of the marketing will already have been done virtually, through programs like Matterport, and decisions could be made on the basis of that. Often only one buyer (or one set of buyers) at a time will be shown the house, with your realtor, although this is not a hard-and-fast rule. Open houses are possible again, but with limitations and regulations. Many have been replaced by virtual open houses. And when a physical showing is over, you can expect your home to be as sanitized as you leave it…at least you can expect that if you’re a Nexus client.
In today’s climate, if you’d like to buy the house:
You’ll have the opportunity to take a virtual tour of the home to get a good sense of what it offers before setting foot inside. And once you do set foot in it, you will be asked to practice social distancing, and you may wish to wear a mask or gloves. You may be asked not to touch things you might have been accustomed to touching when visiting a house on the market, and perhaps to sign a form agreeing to the provincial health authority protocols regarding COVID-19 contacts.
Some of these things may never return to the “old way” of buying and selling houses. Buyers, sellers and realtors are all getting used to the new world of real estate and, like the rest of the outside world, adjusting to the new normal.

Benchmark Price: Estimated sale price of a benchmark property. Benchmarks represent a typical property within each market. To see more information on local stats, please Click Here.