Help in deciding on the timing of moving

Deciding on when to take that step — to move — is often difficult. Change can be like that. How do you know when it’s the right time? Does it depend solely on market conditions? Are you ready for a new adventure? Are you just ready to live in a smaller space?
Sometimes it can be helpful to have ideas that help make that decision.
This month, Real Estate Wire carried a story entitled: “5 Signs That Now Is The Right Time To Move.” 
Here are the 5 signs:
                1. It’s the Best Financial Decision
                2. The Space You’re In Doesn’t Fit Your Needs 
                3. You’re Ready for a Change 
                4. You Have a Different Commute 
                5. You’ve Been Thinking About It (A Lot)
For more details, go to REW to read the entire story. 
Or better yet, call Jennifer (604-726-8768) or Dale (604-720-3353) to see what they think.