Additions to the do-not-clutter list for showings

In past blogs, you’ve read about things that shouldn’t be on display when your home is on the market. Things like family pictures and mementos, excessive ornaments and knick-knacks and anything that is going to make an interested party feel like they’re in somebody else home, even though they are.
Now, there’s a few to add to the de-clutter list.
• Pictures of you with somebody famous, especially if it’s somebody in politics. Something as small as a perceived political preference can turn off a buyer.
• Cleaning supplies, and not just the obvious ones like a jug of javex, a vacuum cleaner or a lawn mover, but also obscure ones like a pile of bills or a toothbrush, because they are also items that make people think of maintenance or cleaning.
• Kids’ stuff, from toys and baby bottles to tricycles and outdoor games like Spikeball; anything that emphasize visitors that little ones live here. 
• Fans or space heaters, which can infer that a house is either too hot or too cold.
The idea, as always, is that you want somebody interested in buying your home to visualize that it is their home, so the fewer reminders that it isn’t, the better.