Questions & Answers in 'new normal' 

Do you have a question because of the new normal in real estate? 
Contact Jennifer (604-726-8768) or Dale (604-922-3353) and we’ll share your question and their answer with all visitors to
Here is a collection of questions and answers that were posted on the home page...
Is the process of making an offer and having it accepted likely to take longer because of COVID-19?
Many offers now are completed digitally, so that shouldn’t be an issue. What some buyers are doing is insisting that acceptance of an offer is subject to viewing, although some properties are being seen and sold in a process that is entirely virtual. Key to a showing is who will be present, as it’s important to minimize the number of people who visit a property. 
How can I see a house the way I used to see it, as an “open house?’
The province has declared real estate to be an essential service, and open houses have not been banned. Having said that, the real estate board has removed open houses from listings and we are now committed to conducting "virtual open houses" by using one of the social-medias tools available, such as FaceTime or Zoom.
I’m very interested in a house that’s for sale, so the first thing I should do is call you. What will you do differently in the current real estate climate, as opposed to the traditional process, to make it easy for me to find out if it’s the house for me?
We’ll show you — if available — a floor plan, a virtual tour and photos, of course, as well as maximum information about the property. If you have a strong level of interest after that, we will request a showing. In this climate, a showing will depend on the listing realtor.
How concerned should I be about visiting a house?
Not at all.
We minimize the number of people involved — last week we showed a property and the listing agent left the keys in an envelope on her car, then stayed in her car throughout the showing.
We observe and respect all the public health guidelines that are in place. That means visitors to the house must verify they have not tested positive for COVID-19, nor been in touch with anybody who did, during the previous 14 days.
The showing itself will require social distancing throughout the visit, using antiseptic wipes, hand sanitizer and wearing gloves, and perhaps masks.
We make the visit as seamless as possible and focus on looking at the real estate.