To list or not to list…‘when?’ is the question

Now that Christmas is over, if you’re thinking about putting your home on the market, one of the questions you’re likely to have is this one:
What’s the best time to list it?
There is no definitive answer.
Is it today, Boxing Day?
Maybe. Most people are off work, so they have time to shop for more than post-Christmas bargains.
Is one day of the week best?
There is a theory that Fridays are best because buyers go looking on the weekend, so they check with their agent for new listings on Friday.
What about time of year?
Again, a theory you’ll often hear is “in the spring.”
Because everything is “fresh” after the “doldrums” that come with winter, people have more…well, spring…in their steps. In the U.S., for example, the fourth weekend of April is known as “Nationwide Open House Weekend.”
It’s all about trying to launch your listing at a time that coincides with the largest pool of people who want to be buyers.
On the other hand, you could find sellers who listed their home on a Monday in winter and sold it in a matter of days.
Need more input? Call Jennifer (604-726-8768) or Dale (604-922-3353).