Tips to help in making good first impressions

When listing a property, we often tend to do everything we can to make the inside look, well, perfect. 
Don’t forget outside.
And first impressions, as you know, can be critical.
Often a potential buyer will do a drive-by, before committing to seeing the inside of your house. So, make it look good, from the curb to the front door.
Is the sidewalk clean and free of leaves?
Can you read the house number easily?
Is the grass cut?
Do any shrubs and greenery need attention?
Are the windows clean?
Most times, it only takes a power washer and some elbow grease to brighten up the “first impression” that visitors are going to have of the house you want to sell.
That’s just one useful tip for doing all that you can to make your home look more appealing.
For more good ideas in prepping your house for sale, call Jennifer (604-726-8768) or Dale (604-922-3353).