The experts at BC Hydro are always looking for ways to help customers economize by being energy-efficient without sacrificing comfort. That’s as true during the hot days of summer as it is the cold days of winter.

Courtesy of BC Hydro, then, here are some common-sense ideas to consider this summer:
Barbecue more! — Making your meals over coals outside, and not on the stove inside, keeps the house from heating up.
Ceiling fans — They should rotate counter-clockwise in the summer to create an artificial wind-chill effect when the temperature rises.
Window coverings — Use your curtains to block out the sun and heat, and tilt your blinds to deflect the light and heat.
Indoor/outdoor thermometer — When it’s cooler outside than inside, you know when to open the windows.
Windows that face the sun — Install awnings or shades, or plant trees, to prevent over-heating.
Air conditioning — Programmable thermostats keep your unit, no matter the type, from working when it doesn’t need to...that can reduce cooling costs by as much as 10 per cent.
Nature’s air conditioning — Keep doors and windows open strategically to create a cooling air flow through your home.
Clothes drying — In nice weather, your clothes will dry on racks outside without generating heat inside…and smell better, too!